Join the Journey: Engage the Mess: Easter - Seeing the HOPE in the Mess

It was a mess. How did it come to this? The crowds were cheering and waving palm branches; it was a triumphal entry. The crowds shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David; Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” Perhaps now was the time Jesus would launch His kingdom, restore Israel, and finally deal with the Roman occupiers. There had been a temple cleansing and a call to restore it to a house of prayer for all nations. But it wasn’t to be. It all ended in a mess. Gone were the marvelous teachings, the miracles, and the promises of a kingdom. Instead, there was a late-night arrest, a mock trial, false witnesses, beatings, contempt, and disdain. It all ended on a cruel Roman cross. I wonder what went through the disciples' thoughts as they helplessly watched the unfolding turn of events and feared for their own lives.

Looking at the situation, it was no wonder the disciples scattered, fearful and confused. There was no hope left, or was there? God the Father was still on the throne; none of this caught Him off guard. He planned it all. He allowed all of it, every detail. He knew there was hope amid the mess because Sunday was coming! The empty tomb was a statement that declared the mess had been overcome. No longer would we have to remain without hope amid the mess.

As we once again turn our eyes to the approaching Easter season, there will be special Church services; Sunday school children will put on performances, and we will sing songs like “He Arose” and “Christ the Lord is Risen Today.” There are great truths in these lyrics that comfort us and give us hope. But what if your life or circumstance is still a mess, then what? Easter gives each of us a glimpse of the hope of the resurrection amid the mess. God is still on the throne. He has allowed every detail of your circumstances to play out. It may be a mess, and there may be no visible way for you to see through your current situation. But there is hope. Hope in Jesus. In Christ, we are never abandoned or alone. He promised to be with us to the end of the age. Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, His presence is our help in all circumstances. Through the resurrection, we can overcome the mess in our lives.

The hope amid the mess is that every person and every situation is redeemable because of the cross. The mess that we make, the mess thrust upon us through no fault of our own, melts away in the face of the forgiveness, cleansing, and saving that only Jesus can do. He extends that grace to each of us and has commissioned us to take that same grace and extend it to others.

As we ponder the approaching Easter season, your life may look like Friday, but be encouraged Sunday is coming – engage the mess!

Rev. Bill Allan
AGC President

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